Posts tagged empowerment
About “Getting Out There in a Big Way” & 100% Visibility

When you search “Personal Branding Services”, you’re met with design agencies promising a polished visual representation of who you are, copywriters promising a specific tone on your website, and motivational speakers promising that when you know who you’re talking to, you can get out there in a big way and create a community.

I used to offer those same services, but found that my clients were already more than capable of that. I tend to attract clients who are excellence-seekers and course-junkies who go for certificate after certificate. The missing piece that I truly help with is getting them out of overthinking and overdoing, so they can get into compassionately connecting with audiences and reality.

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Tanween 2021 - Join me Oct 27 at Ithra in Dhahran

I’ll be out in the world ready to say hi and talk about productivity at Tanween 2021! I’m excited to let you in on the details of these sessions that will build the foundation for creative thinkers who happen to overthink 🎉

First week of Tanween 2021 kicks off with the Emerging Creatives track ✨

With eyes set on the future, final-year students, recent graduates or early careerists are invited to join us for a two-day series of events comprising panels, talks, showcases, pitch training, mentor sessions, networking opportunities, workshops and more to help launch into their passion and profession through preparation. Polish your personal brand, practice your pitch and build your network. The New Creatives program will give you the tools to get there.

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5 Steps to 100% Visibility

The tools of power, authority, and control that we’ve been provided from our modern society only gives us the illusion of being our true selves. This causes pain in us that comes out as procrastination, imposter syndrome, and comparison. Finding the 100% line helps us set up the boundaries and self-compassion to get back to our authentic selves. Here’s 5 steps on how.

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Appearance: 5th Anniversary with Khayra Bundakji on Azzbda Podcast

An Arablish episode where we ended up reminiscing about how Azzbda podcast started and why it was my contribution to getting female voices on podcasts, along with changes we’ve noticed in ephemeral vs permanent media online.

Listen on Apple Podcasts | SoundCloud | In browser

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As many of us shift into the new new normal of relaxed pandemic safety regulations, I’ll be the first to admit that promotion (for personal or company use) and feelings are WEIRD.

There’s no longer a textbook solution to move forward! The most effective strategy is to go back to the MAIN POINT of personal branding and confidence in yourself: Uniqueness. You already have a uniqueness, simply because there is only one you. Here’s how to make the most of it.

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Thanks, Procrastination!

When I notice I’m not doing a task, I say “oh, I guess I don’t want to do it”. The difference between my next step and what my new clients do are very different.

I’ve been recording my moments of procrastination for the past nine years. That is every time I procrastinated for more than 15 minutes. This is insane, and I wouldn’t recommend starting this way. It came of necessity when I was diagnosed with Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) when I was 10 years old (1997). This self-research paid off when I got my MBA and became self-employed.

Here is everything I learned about procrastination:

tl;dr: Procrastination is your wise body taking energy and time you didn’t provide to it.

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