My very first month-long vacation

Programs and Intro Calls will resume in March 💕 Check out in the meantime 🎉

My biggest strength is being a fixer, a coach, and to do it with a determination to see it through to the end.

Attendees and students of 100% — A Life Approach will recognize the shadow of this habit: Being a rescuer in a drama triangle. It leads me to be insensitive, because I’m passionate about fixing instead of empathizing with compassion.

I’ve been mentored by Heather Dominick for the past two years. One of the very first guidances from the Business Miracles coach team was for me to get a weekend. Until 2018, I was the family coordinators on Fridays, worked on on Saturdays, and had a full time job (usually with multiple roles) on weekdays. It left no room for living or joy.

And now my biggest challenge to really embody the celebration I urge my clients to experience is to take time to focus on myself. Self-care for me is to get in touch with my needs, which ignoring always leaves me resentful as a persecutor (Drama Triangle reference). Self-care for me is to get in touch with reality, which ignoring by overworking leaves me confused as a victim (Drama Triangle reference).

Why is celebration important in personal branding?

My ideal client is an over-thinking highly justice-oriented professional who wants to serve. I call this magical space Service Energy, which I discuss extensively in the 3-Month Personal Branding Program.

In order to move into what I teach as Marketing Energy, we need to get in touch with celebrating potential. Isn’t that what promotion is, after all? Promoting yourself is simply letting your dream audience that there’s potential to co-create something better than if you were doing things individually.

Why is celebration important in life and productivity?

We live in a world where vulnerability is set aside and replaced with shame and scarcity. We rebel against this exhausting and unproductive mentality by celebrating in gratitude. Gratitude is the key to experiencing the abundance of “enough”. We have what we need. We can trust reality. We don’t have to fall victim to “should”s and guilt. This was explored in the modules of “Dealing with Change” and “Things that Will Stop You” in the 100% course.

Practical tips for celebration when it feels annoying

1. Get out of perfectionism

You may face perfectionism because you’re in intense comparison or have a hard time asking for help. The easiest fix is to have very clear, measurable, and realistic descriptions for your goals.

2. Be honest when you reach these goals and write them down

With these attainable realistic goals that have been achieved by accepting help and admitting when the job is done, it’s time to keep track of them.

But Khayra, they’re so silly! I didn’t achieve my life goals, I just did what I was supposed to do!

And that is SO COOL. If you keep doing what you’re supposed to do daily, it will result in life achievements. Refill your energy cup by being honest and writing them down. This will help you FEEL accomplished so you can keep BEING accomplished, taking more calculated risks, and being more visible to others. In other words, you will gain confidence.

3. Refer to this list when you’re taking time off

This is your job on weekends and during vacation. Read the things you’ve accomplished that gives you “permission” to relax. Refill your energy cup. Allow space for creativity that comes from joyful living.

Still having a hard time?

If you feel annoyed, agitated, confused, worthless, or any other negative emotion when honestly making this list, I highly advise checking out the last 2 modules of 100% — A Life Approach. And if budget doesn’t allow, look up what

  • Brene Brown says about joy

  • Gay Hendricks says about The Upper Limit Problem

  • Heather Dominick says about The Good Enough business

  • Any resources on the secret of abundance

You got this!