Khayra Bundakji | خيرة بندقجي

I’m a proud contributing author to Different: The Highly Sensitive Leadership Revolution

Yep! My story of how I coped with my sensitivity by falling into recurring burnout can be found in this book 💕

Can you be highly sensitive AND highly successful?

For the highly sensitive person committed to entrepreneurial and life success, this little book holds the potential for big impact. Years of mentoring and real-time practical research have highlighted these secret concerns among highly sensitive people:

  • Why am I so different?

  • What’s wrong with me?

  • How do I keep from being found out?

  • And, at the heart of it all,

  • How can I be of service to others without drowning in overload and overwhelm?

Filled with ancient wisdom, practical applications, and personal stories from both Heather and members of the Business Miracles Community for Highly Sensitive Leaders, this book brings a fresh, empowered perspective to what it means to be highly sensitive. Embrace your difference—join the highly sensitive leadership revolution.

You’ve probably heard me talking about one of the following things:

  • A Course in Business Miracles


  • Business Miracles

  • My mentor, Heather Dominick

  • Highly Sensitive Entrepreneur

  • Highly Sensitive Leader

Business Miracles has been a huge component of transforming how I approach my life, so I made this page to further gush about my love for this community of which I’m a proud member.

More about my Highly Sensitive Leadership journey

I was continuously showing up in the world fully with intense discomfort of time off. Every time I had an achievement, I felt depleted and wondered why I didn’t feel joy that I was hoping for. I was torn between my family’s business, the idea of my own business, and hunger for a stable income. This left me feeling overwhelmed and never ever like I was good enough. Soothing was the only thing I had time for aside from work, with so much of my income spent on aromatherapy candles, yoga sessions, massages, junky snacks, numbing activities, and self-improvement classes that gave me a glimmer of what a joyous life could be. It was exhausting to be mindful on how I introduce myself to each acquaintance, as I wore so many hats and couldn’t package my whole self to everyone.

I no longer operate from “either/or” or feel torn between living different lives. Instead, if I have separate priorities that are just as important, I will find a way to “both-and” using my HSE Strength of Creativity and the concept of Energy Management.


Free Resources from Business Miracles

Find out if you’re a Highly Sensitive Leader like me 💫

When you take the quiz, here are some of the cool things that happen:

  • You find out your level of Highly Sensitive nature.

  • You get a guide (I still look at mine) about while it may feel like we’re alone in a world built for warriors, we’re actually made for this new phase in history.

  • You get regular insights of how being a Highly Sensitive gives us the unique abilities to make it through these exceptional times.

Weekly calls on applying Miracle Principles to accelerate Highly Sensitive Leadership

Every Monday (except when the office is closed) at 11am EST we connect as a community to hear Heather speak about a principle, answer questions, and give us a guiding perception-shift exercise for the week.

I also offer WhatsApp broadcast reminders, reach out to me on Instagram for me details.

The Business Miracles Podcast

One of my favorites, it’s why I signed up for the program. There are episodes about concepts and member features to hear about our experiences.

Listen to the podcast on

iTunes | Google Play Music | Stitcher Radio | | TuneIN Radio 

Order Form to the Universe

When you feel overwhelmed, especially about something you want, a quick way to get clarity is this tool we lovingly refer to as OFTU. Follow the steps and enjoy the template on the last page.

Become Part of the Community

Highly Sensitive Leadership Program

There’s a lot to learn about the program (fun fact: I built my own program on Heather’s philosophies), and you can take a look yourself.

Exceptional Times Daily Activation Recordings

While you can enjoy activations on the Business Miracles YouTube channel, you can also get access to the ACIBM Online Learning Center by buying the Daily Activation package.

Have a Clarity Call to Get a One-On-One Understanding of the Program

A free call to see how the program can serve you best.
