Hi and welcome back :)

Isn’t it great to have had an experience where chaos and panic was welcome? It was such a pleasure to connect in with you in such a unique way at MGF, but there won’t be much panic talk here today.

Here is the basics of the conclusion you may have missed. Do reach out to me on any of the socials and let me know what you think.

You can also set up a call for my Foundation Program.

There are 3 YOUs that exist:
1. YOU that you see
2. YOU that others see
3. YOU that you think others see

Number 3 is, from my experience, where our over-thinking and invisibility comes from. The exercise we did together is called the Johari Window, it’s a way to find out (1) the you that is hidden from others, (2) the you others see and you already know, (3) the you that others see but you don’t.

Yes! That is confusing. We never think about what we’re blind to and we definitely don’t go to people in our lives with a clipboard asking for their feedback.

Uniqueness isn’t about being different, it’s about embracing you.

What we found in our Q&A was…

  • It was easier it was to not over-think when we didn’t know the “should”s. No one knew what was supposed to be happening, so we were focused on being curious and learning

  • Breathing at the end was a great way to shift out of one phase and into another

  • Vulnerability isn’t accepted in the work place even though it has been proven to be effective

I hope I covered everything we discussed. If you’d like to fill in your own Johari Window, check out this tool by Kevan.

And finally, here are more resources on self-confidence in visibility, including panic: